Best Friends are cool as a cool cat.
This is my story from my arrival in Missouri thtrough the days of my blogging.
I was going to post a while ago but the keys on the computer were just too small for my hooves that I kept on hitting the r instead of the d so it came out the ronkey. If there are any donkeys out there then they will know what I mean.
Sorry I have not blogged for half my life but I was just too tired. I am still alive and live in the barn now. I have gained some weight although I only weigh about the same as a big pig or a little hog. A very big pig with big ears and a hee instead of a grunt.
Two days ago I almost did myself in. While I was casually grazing in the field next to mine where the grass is always greener, unless of course I am on the other side of the fence, which is often because being so small I can get through the wires, I hooked my bridle latch on the bottom wire. To the untrained eye of the donkey owner I was able to not look stupid just standing by the fence. It was to be a hot day but the morning was still cool even in the sun at 8 a.m. This is everyone's favorite time...its food time. I could see my horse friend Fire and donkey friend VJ doing their prefeeding dance around the trough. Of course it was difficult to see them with my head latched to the fence but I could turn halfway around to look. The noise of the food, my food, landing in the trough was too much to take. I yelled a noise a miniature donkey didn't know he could make. It was more likened to the squeal of a pig than to anything that could come out of a little donkey. The donkey owner didn't even know it was me. When he came to investigate in my direction only I and the fence were standing there. I felt like a stupid ass tangled up in the fence. The donkey owner quickly saw my situation and set me free. I am forever in the debt of the donkey owner. Now where is my food?
Minding my own business, hanging out with a dozen horses and half a dozen full-sized donkeys in the back field I was living easy. But, as fate would have it, I was quickly sold to a local. No New England donkey would I be. A few days later I was hauled for a quick stay at the vet's for shots and a quick cut and the taken to my final destination. My new life has arrived.
I was only about two when I found myself back in open pastures at the horse trader's .
Since I was very small, seems like yesterday, I always wanted to roam open pastures. Well, I was hauled out of my open pasture in Texas to stockyard, auctioned to a horse/donkey trader and found myself halfway to CT.